the pattern of these 5-4 Supreme Court decisions for Citizens United,
against the voting rights act, and for McCutcheon. We could also
include the Bush v Gore and Texas redistricting and Indiana voter ID
law cases as part of the pattern. It is quite easy to come to the conclusion that every
decision these 5 Republican-appointed Justices have made regarding
elections and voting are nothing more blatant moves to help get more
Republicans elected.
rank and file Republicans might not agree with Citizens United and
McCutcheon, the acts of GOP party insiders and elected officials
strengthen this theory that the 5 Republican-appointed Supreme Court
justices only ruled this way for partisan reasons rather than any other principles.
example take Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell who has deep pockets for big corporate donations but faces abysmal approval numbers and a tough re-election this year. He testified in front of the
Supreme Court and actively
encouraged the
justices to intervene in favor of McCutcheon's big-money politics.
McConnell is also the one who
led the challenge of the McCain-Feingold campaign
finance reforms all the way to the Supreme Court. As Senate minority
leader, he has blocked crucial judicial nominees and FEC
commissioners who support campaign finance restrictions.
another example, the finance chairman of the Republican National
Committee, Ray Washburne, told
the New York Times
"Eureka" when heard the news that the Supreme Court
eviscerated the aggregate limits. At the time he was traveling to
Chicago to solicit money from two big funders who had reached their
aggregate donation limit for this election cycle. And then just
six mere after the McCutcheon ruling,
the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Senatorial
Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee
launched a joint fundraising committee.
One caveat is that
these Supreme rulings do not guarantee the GOP election victories.
But these rulings certainly tilt the playing field in favor of
candidates who are short on ethics, morals and new ideas that are
popular with voters but long on access to brute cash to fund attack
ads from which they could hide behind. Meanwhile progressive
candidates who are long on ethics, morals and new ideas that are
popular with voters but can't get multiple billionaires to cut fat
checks for them are put at an unfair disadvantage in the competition.
is easy to accuse these Republican-appointed justices of doing
nothing more than greasing the skids for an oligarchic dystopia where
their a handful of favored billionaires like the Koch brothers and
Sheldon Adelson get to call the shots of our political process.
seems like low hanging fruit to make partisan hay out of the
Republican Party establishment's allegiance to McCutcheon and such an
unpopular issue as opening the floodgates to even more money in
We could easily tar state-level elected Republicans who vote as a block against (Move
to Amend sponsored) anti-Citizens United constitutional amendments, as sycophants for the billionaire elite
who have too little appeal to raise their money the grassroots way.
We could easily impugn them as unprincipled opportunists who throw
all populist sense out the window to maintain a national campaign
rule arrangement that will help more of their kind get elected.
it is dangerous to turn Citizens United/ McCutcheon into just another
Republican vs. Democrat partisan polarized stalemate like we so tragically see with the issue of global
warming. A much better outcome is to use this as wedge issue to
divide much of the the Republican rank and file from their party
insiders and officials.
In the 2012 election grassroots ballot initiatives to overturn Citizens United won amazingly consistent support from all across an otherwise polarized political spectrum. Anti-Citizens United initiatives just as much voter approval in the “purple” swing state of Colorado (72% for Amendment 65 demanding that Congress draft a constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United) and the libertarian “red” state of Montana (76% for Initiative 166 declaring that corporations do not have constitutional rights) as deeply “blue” Democratic Chicago (74% for approving a local initiative demanding that Congress propose an amendment reversing Citizens United).
In the 2012 election grassroots ballot initiatives to overturn Citizens United won amazingly consistent support from all across an otherwise polarized political spectrum. Anti-Citizens United initiatives just as much voter approval in the “purple” swing state of Colorado (72% for Amendment 65 demanding that Congress draft a constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United) and the libertarian “red” state of Montana (76% for Initiative 166 declaring that corporations do not have constitutional rights) as deeply “blue” Democratic Chicago (74% for approving a local initiative demanding that Congress propose an amendment reversing Citizens United).
¾ of Americans whether Democrat, Republican, or Independent oppose
the Citizens United ruling and don’t agree that for-profit
corporations should have the right to flood political campaigns with
tidal waves of cash.
polling numbers above 75% for the constitutional Amendment means is
that we could get the center-right to join in alliance with the
progressives and isolate the far right and the corporate personhood
apologists to the fringes.
it be done?
elected powers that be could neuter such a big-tent political
alliance simply by denying us opportunities to hold votes or ballot
initiatives on the issue unless there is such a strong bipartisan
movement that it is clear they will be voted out for blocking moves
to amend.
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